paul krugman meint in der NYT über bushs pläne zur privatisierung der sozialversicherung:
… We already have a large budget deficit, the result of … cutting taxes while waging a war…
Add borrowing for privatization to the mix, and the budget deficit might well exceed 8 percent of G.D.P. at some time during the next decade. That’s a deficit that would make Carlos Menem’s Argentina look like a model of responsibility. It would be sure to cause a collapse of investor confidence, sending the dollar through the floor, interest rates through the roof and the economy into a tailspin. …
na dann brauchen sich die argentinier ja keine sorgen mehr um ihre wirtschaft zu machen, die amis kriegen das schon hin 😉
netter artikel aber das verhaeltnis krugman zum rest der usa,
ist wie armin thurnher zu österreich.
they don’t care!